Book Fair is open until 8pm- come on down! Superior Elementary Library
about 2 hours ago, Carissa Kuhl
book fair
book fair
book fair
Support the Superior Business Professionals of America and participate in their annual dodgeball tournament! This event is open to any community member from 7th grade to adult. To participate, simply form a team of 6 and register and pay with Mr. Cooper by March 17th. The tournament is March 18th at 6 pm in the Superior High School Gym. Fun uniforms are encouraged! Let the games begin!
5 days ago, Kate DiGiando
BPA Dodgeball
The Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place next week. Please join us in the Superior Elementary School Library for our family open house and literacy night on Tuesday (3/11) and Wednesday (3/12) from 5 PM-8 PM.
5 days ago, Byron Quinlan
Book fair
Reminder!! High School spring sports parent/athlete meeting tonight at 6:00pm at Superior HS.
6 days ago, Jessica Nagy
Here is the JH/HS Newsletter for March! Big shout out to Mrs. Post for making another great newsletter!
7 days ago, Angie Gray
March newsletter
Superior Elementary School Parents/Guardians~ Tomorrow, March 4th (at 2 PM), Superior Elementary School will conduct a lockdown DRILL. This drill will entail locking classroom doors and turning the lights off briefly. The entire drill will last no more than 5 minutes. Again, this is a DRILL and not an emergency. If you have any questions, please call us at 406-822-3600. Thank you.
8 days ago, Byron Quinlan
For more Superior School District Activities visit the calendar on our website
12 days ago, Kate DiGiando
Upcoming Dates
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month. These students were recognized for their KINDNESS.
12 days ago, Byron Quinlan
Students of the Month
Good Afternoon, To gather feedback on our current school calendar, we have developed a short survey for staff, parents, and guardians. Your input will help inform our decision-making moving forward regarding the school calendar. Please take a moment to complete this survey. Thank you! Superior School District Admin
14 days ago, Logan Labbe
Calendar Survey
ZACC Tracks is coming to Superior Schools. These FREE music and art camps are taking place April 7th-17th after school. Rock Camp is available to all 7th-12th grade students. Art Camp is available to students in grades 4th-6th. Please reach out to Sara Forsythe at to sign up or for more details.
14 days ago, Byron Quinlan
ZACC Tracks
High School spring sports are almost here! There will be a mandatory parent/athlete meeting on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:00pm at the high school. Practice will start on March 10th. If a student has not already participated in a sport this school year they will need to have an updated physical and all paperwork on Final Forms completed prior to beginning practice. Go Bobcats!
14 days ago, Jessica Nagy
Superior High School's advanced art students' work will be featured in the Fiber Arts: The Fabric of Expression art show, which will be held from April 4th to 30th at the Zootown Arts Community Center in Missoula.
15 days ago, Kate DiGiando
The March Superior School Board Meeting is now scheduled for March 19th at 6:30 PM in the Superior Elementary Library.
19 days ago, Logan Labbe
Meeting Change Notice March Board Meeting will be on the 19th of March
Superior Junior High Wrestling and Little Guy Wrestling Picture Day!
20 days ago, Kate DiGiando
Wrestling pictures
After a few reschedules, the show must go on! The Superior Drama Club will have its public show on Thursday, February 20th at 6 pm in the High School Multi-Purpose Room. Admission is by donation and they'll be selling popcorn and cotton candy to enjoy at the show. Come enjoy an entertaining show put on by our hard-working drama club students!
20 days ago, Kate DiGiando
Here are the updated brackets for the rest of the 7-B District Tournament. Go Bobcats!
21 days ago, Jessica Nagy
Girls bracket
Boys Bracket
Eureka Sports Broadcasting will be broadcasting the Superior Bobcats at Eureka Lions Boys High School basketball game tonight! Follow the link to tune in!
21 days ago, Kate DiGiando
Boys Basketball
District Basketball starts tomorrow! Go Bobcats!!
22 days ago, Jessica Nagy
District Basketball
Here is the Little Guy Wrestling sign-up link! Practice tomorrow Monday, February 17th right after school in the elementary gym for 1st - 4th grade and at the HS for 5th - 8th grade!
23 days ago, Logan Labbe
Western Montana Little Guy Wrestling
Superior High School Prom is Saturday March 15th!
27 days ago, Kate DiGiando