Superior Elementary Book Fair next week! Mark your calendars!

Save the date for Small Engine racing!

There will be a High School Spring Sports meeting on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:00pm for all athletes, and their parents, that plan on participating in a spring sport. The meeting will be held in the high school gym.

Here is the newest elementary newsletter!

Here is a link to our new School Board site to view upcoming Agendas and Past meeting minutes! https://superiorschooldistrict.diligent.community/Portal/
Next meeting Wednesday, February 21st @ 6:30 PM Superior Elementary Library

The Small Engine class has been utilizing 3D printing to build custom and replacement parts. Here is a intake boot printed in a rubber TPU material. This was designed using 3D model programs by an Advanced Small Engine student and will be used in a motorcycle restoration project. A used part could cost about $25 dollars. We made it brand new for approximately $1.50.

Superior Youth Baseball Sign-Ups End On February 23rd!
The season doesn't start until April.
NOTE: This is not a school activity please use the contact info below for questions!
Find Sign_Up Forms on Facebook @Superior Youth Baseball or call/text Kali Stroot @ 406 531 0992 All kids ages 5-12 are welcome to play!

Time for our 2nd Annual Family Valentine's Dance!

Games Tonight!

Here are the brackets for the 7-B District Tournament this week. Tomorrow we will host both a boys game and a girls game in Superior for the first round of the tournament.
Boys vs. Mission 5:30pm
Girls vs. Plains 7:00pm
Prices for the game are $7 for an adult and $6 for a student. Season passes will not get you into this game as it is part of the tournament. Go Bobcats!

Go Bobcats!

Please be advised!
The Blood Drive scheduled for the Junior High/ High School has been moved to the Fairgrounds due to construction.

Here is the newest Elementary Newsletter!

SSD and Reach Higher Montana are hosting FAFSA Night tonight!
This is an optional event for seniors and parents to get help with financial aid.
Pizza and prizes will be provided for attendees!

Announcement for a Special Board Meeting Wednesday, January 24th at 6:00 pm Notice Time Change. Visit our new School Board Site to view the agenda. https://superiorschooldistrict.diligent.community/Portal/

Superior Science Club has some additional Junior Bobcat T-shirts. (Youth XS - Adult XXL). There are a limited number of each size. Please email cquinlivan@ssd3.us if you are interested.

Superiors Schools will start at normal times today (Thursday, January 18th.) Buses may be traveling a little slower this morning. Please drive safe!

Here is the newest elementary newsletter!

Superior Honor Society's Recycling Project gets funded by St. Regis Travel Center