Unfortunately, it looks like the skies may not be cooperating for a starry night. We will reschedule for the 21st. Same time same place.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Quinlivan
Canceled star night
Reminder all HS band members be at the school by 7:30 am tomorrow morning (Tuesday, November 14th) to leave for the all school band concert! Be there by 7:30AM!
over 1 year ago, Logan Labbe
Superior High School Student Council invites you to participate in the BRAWL OF THE WILD FOOD DRIVE!
over 1 year ago, Kate DiGiando
Food Drive
Newest Elementary Newsletter! https://www.smore.com/nv15k
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
On this Veterans Day, Superior Schools extends a heartfelt thank you to all the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Your sacrifice, dedication, and courage do not go unnoticed. To the veterans among our students, staff, and community, we are immensely grateful for your service. Your commitment to protecting our freedoms is an inspiration to us all. Today, let us take a moment to honor and remember those who have selflessly defended our nation.
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
Thank you!
Flag Folding
4th Grade
1st Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
It is MCT performance day! We are excited to invite you all to the public performance of Beauty Lou and the Country Beast tonight at 7:00pm. The 2:00pm performance is for students and school personnel ONLY as we will have limited seating. We hope to see you all tonight!
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
Thanks to Mr. Clairmont and his 7th grade MT history class for making Superior safe from the Woolley Mammoths!
over 1 year ago, Angie Gray
student with Woolley mammoth
picture of Woolley mammoth
Support the Superior High School Business Professionals of America Club!
over 1 year ago, Kate DiGiando
Superior School District is pleased to announce James Kelly as the winner of the Mineral County Prevention and Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program's Healthy Choices Art Contest. This year's theme was "Make Healthy Choices Louder." The artwork has been made into a sticker decal, and handed out to the student body and faculty. A poster of the artwork will also be displayed in the school. Congratulations James!
over 1 year ago, Carissa Kuhl
Mineral County Prevention and MTUPP Art Contest Winner, James Kelly! Congratulations!
Picture Retake Day- November 15th
over 1 year ago, Kate DiGiando
Picture Retake Day
Good Afternoon! Here is the agenda for the upcoming School Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30 p.m. in the Superior Elementary Library. https://5il.co/28hki
over 1 year ago, Logan Labbe
Board Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 8th
There will be a Parent/Athlete meeting for all high school students and their parents who are interested in playing a winter sport on Nov. 13th at 6:30pm in the HS Multipurpose Room.
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
Good morning! Today is MCT auditions at the elementary gym for students who have turned in their permission slips. The audition will take place until 5:45pm. At that point students will find if they received a part and what their schedule will be for the rest of the week.
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
Quarter final Football information for Saturday 11/4/23.
over 1 year ago, Angie Gray
quarter final football instructions
Our Ladies played their hearts out! Tough losses today, but some really close sets! Superior season is over... on to basketball!
over 1 year ago, Angie Gray
volleyball team
A big thank you to all of the Pep Club/Bus students for coming to cheer on the Lady Cats!
over 1 year ago, Angie Gray
pep bus
pep bus
Next game for our Lady Cats Volleyball Team at 5:00 in Plains! Come and cheer them on!!
over 1 year ago, Angie Gray
girls volleyball
over 1 year ago, Kate DiGiando
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferenc Night
Here is the JH/HS News Letter! https://bit.ly/40fN9NT
over 1 year ago, Logan Labbe
JH/HS November Newsletter
The post season starts tomorrow for Bobcat Athletics! Here are the volleyball and football brackets.
over 1 year ago, Jessica Nagy
VB bracket
VB Bracket