Open House is coming up! If you are new to the district or have enrolled your child into Kindergarten or Early K we are still looking for birth certificates and other enrollment information. Please stop by the office 8:00-3:00pm M-F or bring to open house on Monday the 21st!

Final Budget Meeting Notice
Wednesday, August 17th, 6:30 pm in the Elementary Library

There are produce boxes in front of the elementary school free to anyone!

REMINDER: High School Fall sports parent meeting tonight, Tuesday, August 8th at 6:00 pm in the high school multipurpose room. Please attend if you have a HS Athlete participating in Volleyball or Football this Fall.

Notification: Superior School District Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 9th, 6:30 pm Superior Elementary Library

School Supply Lists for the 2023-24 School Year!

Here are some important upcoming dates!

Fall sports will begin August 11th.
There will be a high school fall sports meeting for parents and athletes on Aug. 8th at 6:00pm in the multipurpose room.
All paperwork must be filled out and completed in DragonFly PRIOR to being able to practice. This includes uploading BOTH sides of the physical form. There are directions for this in the Forms for Participation section of the Athletics page on the website.
Mineral County Clinic is having a Well Child Check Up day on August 8th where they have reserved times for students to be able to come in. This would be a great way to get your physical prior to the start of the season. Please call (406) 822-4803.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Nagy at jnagy@ssd3.us.

Here is a link to the 2023-24 master calendar. It can also be found on the school website (ssd3.us) under Students and Families. Hope everyone is having a great summer! Stay tuned for more back-to-school information coming soon!

Here is a link to the 2023 Summer Surplus Sale Items!
Items will be available for viewing Monday, July 24th - Friday, July 28th, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm or pictures and descriptions of items will be available on the school website at SSD3.US.
Sealed Bids will be required and are due to the Superior School District Office by 5 pm on Monday, July 31st
Must be at least 18 years old to bid.
Bids will be opened on August, 9th during the August Board Meeting
For more information please contact Superintendent Logan Labbe @ 406 822 3600 x 207 or by email at llabbe@ssd3.us

Beginning Tuesday, July 25th, the gym will be closed for refinishing. It will be closed until Aug. 11th.

Great opportunity from MSU Extension office!!

CAMP OPPORTUNITY: On August 7,8,&9 the Superior Football team will be putting on a youth football camp for boys who will be going into 2nd-8th grade. The camp hours will be 8-10 am at the high school each day. The camp cost will be $50 each or $75 for two or more siblings per household. The camp will include a T-shirt. Please contact Jeff Schultz at (406)546-9778 with any questions. Thank you.

Camp Opportunity, please do not contact the school to register.

Elementary Yearbooks are available for purchase! Please click the link to purchase your yearbook prior to July 22nd. The yearbooks will be handed out to students who purchased them the first week of school. We hope that you are all enjoying your summer!

Superior School District July Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday, July 13th, 6:30 pm Superior Elementary Library

The Superior School Board July meeting has been moved to Thursday, July 13th at 6:30 pm in the elementary library. The agenda will be posted Tuesday, July 11th at 4:00 pm.

This is just a reminder of 8th Grade Promotion and JH awards tonight at 6:00 pm in the HS Gym. 6th graders are welcome to attend but it is not mandatory. 8th Grade Students need to be here by 5:30pm! Dance for 7th and 8th graders will follow right after the promotion and conclude at 10:30pm.

Check out what's next for these two Superior seniors! #DecisionDay #GEARUPWorks #GEARUPMT

Last week, the 8th-grade class traveled to Couer d'Alene to visit Northern Idaho College. We had a great time exploring the beautiful campus and learning about the programs they offer. #GEARUPWorks #MTGEARUP