Elementary Newsletter!

If you are interested in traveling to Scotland, England, and Ireland in the Spring of 2026 come to the meeting Tonight Tuesday(4/25) @ 6 pm in Mr. Schultzâs room. We are also traveling to Italy and Greece next year and have a few spots left.

Thanks to our local community partners, Janet Smith MCHD, Anna Schreck WMMHC, and Eric Lindauer MCSD

Here is the link for the Special Meeting Monday, April 24th @ 6:30 pm in the Elementary Library

Please help us improve our GEAR UP Program by taking this survey. We need at least 50% of parents with students in 7-12 grades to participate. Thank you for your help!
Use this link to access the survey.

BPA fundraiser Yard and Bake Sale!!!

Click the link to take a new survey for the calendar for the 2023-24 school year. There is also information about the calendars included in the link.

Elementary News Letter April 14th

There are still openings for FREE Summer Programs offered through GEAR UP. Check out the link!

If you are interested in Driverâs Education, AND your childâs birthday is on or before December 2, 2008, please email Mrs. Hanson at dhanson@ssd3.us. Please include the name of your child as well as their birthdate and what school they attend. You will receive an email back from Mrs. Hanson within 24 hours with details regarding the parent meeting. You must be signed up in order to attend the mandatory parent meeting. If you donât hear from Mrs. Hanson within 24 hours, please call the school. 822-3600 ext. 200. Please sign up by April 25.

Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow April 14th.

Calendar Q & A Session on Monday

Superior High School Drama Production "Foil That Villain"
Thursday, April 6th @ 7 pm in the high school Multi-Purpose Room
Pay by donation

Junior High spring sports begin on Monday, April 3rd. All students must have turned in a physical prior to being able to participate.

The high school track meet @ Frenchtown on Saturday April 1st has been canceled.

Congrats to Coach Crabb on being selected Class C Coach of the year for wrestling! We are very lucky to have him working with our students!

Here is the newest elementary newsletter. Have a great spring break!

There are still spots available for the Missoula session from June 11-15th.