Reminder that we do not have school on Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Sports Update for this weekend:
Thursday, Sept. 2nd, Varsity Volleyball @ Hot Springs 6:00pm (No JV)
Satruday, Sept. 4th, Varsity Football @ Victor 1:00pm
Saturday, Sept. 4th, Varsity Volleyball vs. Noxon 4:00pm (No JV)

Our phones are back online if you need to call the school please use 406 822 3600. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
JH/HS Office extension 110
Elementary Office extension 200

The AM bus route schedule on the website does NOT list all stops. It is a list of major stops so families have an estimated idea of when to expect the bus in their area. Be sure to fill out the bus forms provided by the drivers and your first day packets tomorrow! Thank You!

We have posted morning bus route pick up times on the website ssd3.us.
Go to Menu>School Bus Route Info
This is just for the morning routes Wednesday, August 25th and all times are estimates. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Be Superior!

REMINDER: First Day of School for Superior 1st - 12th grade, tomorrow Wednesday August 25th! We will post a general bus time schedule later this afternoon. If you have questions about buses please reach out to either the elementary or high school office.

JH Sports (6-8th grade) will begin on Aug. 30th. All students must have a current physical on file (completed after May 1, 2021) There will be a parent meeting at 6:00pm on Aug. 24th in the multipuporse room where the paperwork can be obtained.

Superior Schools is currently taking applications for substitue teachers and substitute bus drivers. If you or someone you know is interested please go to our website, visit the Employment page, and fill out an application! You can also contact Mr. Labbe or Ms. Nagy at the school 406-822-3600 (Labbe ext. 207) (Nagy ext. 116). We are in high need for these positions at this time.

Incoming 7th Grade and New JH/HS Student Orientation today August 17th at 5:30pm in the High School Multipurpose Room.

Due to smoke, football practice today Aug. 13th will be from 11:30am-3:00pm. Please make sure that you bring a pair of gym shoes as well as your football shoes.

Our updated Return to School Plan is now posted on the school website at ssd3.us, click menu, click ESSER Return to School Plan. Please notify your building principals if you have questions. Logan Labbe x207 JH/HS or Jessica Nagy x116 Elementary.

JH Sports will begin on Aug. 30th. All students must have a current physical on file (completed after May 1, 2021) at the school and other athletic paperwork filled out to participate. There will be a parent meeting at 6:00pm on Aug. 24th in the multipuporse room where the paperwork can be obtained.

First Day of School is Aug. 25th. The school day will be as follows:
Elementary School Day 8:15am-3:35pm
JH/HS School Day 8:30-3:30pm

It is almost time for fall sports! There will be a fall sports meeting at 6:00pm on Tuesday, Aug. 10th in the Multi-Purpose Room. This will be mandatory as there will be paperwork that will be handed out at the meeting that must be handed in before athletes are going to be able to practice. If you are not able to make the meeting please get a hold of Ms. Nagy at jnagy@ssd3.us to arrange a time to pick up paperwork prior to the start of practice. Click the link below to view the practice schedule for the first week.

Please visit the school website (ssd3.us) to view the return to school letter released by Superintendent Kinney today.

Announcement: Superior School Board Meeting Tuesday, August 10th at 7:30pm (note time change) @ Superior Elementary Library

The New Superior JH building is open for visits TODAY August 6th from 3-6pm. All are welcome! Follow the blue signs or walk around back by the football field to the South entrance of the new building!

Superior Schools Annual Surplus Sale Friday August, 6th 8am-12:00pm
@ Superior School Bus Barn

Here are some dates to keep in mind:
Aug. 10th HS Sports Parent Meeting 6:00pm
Aug. 13th- First Day HS Sports Practice
Aug. 25th- 1st-12th Students First Day of School
Aug. 30th- JH Fall Sports First Day of Practice
Sept. 1st- Early Kinder and Kinder First Day

Zoom Join Info for School Board Meeting Tuesday, July 13th 6:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 3105 8382
Passcode: 149056