Join us TONIGHT at 7pm in the Superior High School Gym. Admission is free!
4 months ago, Kate DiGiando
Superior School District Picture Retake Day !
4 months ago, Kate DiGiando
Picture retake
Here is the November JH/HS newsletter!
4 months ago, Angie Gray
Nov newsletter
Happy Red Ribbon Week. Thank you to all our community professionals who presented to our students on "Career Day."
5 months ago, Byron Quinlan
The first quarter of the 2024-25 school year is in the books! As part of the Listening and Learning process, the administration of the Superior School District would like to gather feedback from faculty, students, parents/guardians, and community members regarding the school system. The data collected will be ANONYMOUS, reported to the Board of Trustees, and help guide the next steps for the administration and the School Board. Thank you for taking the time to help make Superior Schools truly SUPERIOR!
5 months ago, Logan Labbe
Perception Survey
Please spread this link to your friends and family to help us grow our music program! Thanks...
5 months ago, Byron Quinlan
Music Flyer
Superior Elementary Music Quarter Celebration Concert will be live today at noon. Please join us on Facebook Live today to view the performance.
5 months ago, Byron Quinlan
Reminder: There will be no school on Thursday, October 17th, and Friday, October 18th, for state-required teacher PIR days! Enjoy your four-day weekend!
5 months ago, Logan Labbe
Come join us for Pink Day! Tournament starts at 8:30am!
5 months ago, Jessica Nagy
pink day
Here is the Superior School Board Agenda for Tuesday, October 15th @ 6:30 PM in the Superior Elementary Libary
5 months ago, Logan Labbe
School Board Meeting
We are hoping to see you tonight for some great Lady Bobcat Volleyball! Don't forget to wear your periwinkle blue and support our cancer awareness night! All proceeds from 50/50 tickets sold, t-shirt sales and donations will be donated to help with the medical expenses for Mrs. Firestone's mom, Sheryl Kain.
5 months ago, Angie Gray
Volleyball picture
Lady Bobcat Volleyball invites you to come in blue (periwinkle to be exact) and support our first ever Cancer awareness event. Thursday October 10th 5:30 JV Varsity right after 50/50 raffle tickets with proceeds to Coach Kain’s medical costs. Sheryl Kain was the Charlo Lady Vikings assistant basketball coach for 25 years. She was and still is a dedicated mentor and inspiration to so many young athletes in our community. Sheryl has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. As she faces this challenging and uncertain time in life, we are coming together to provide her with the support and assistance she needs. Hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Angie Gray
Volleyball flyer
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for all students, K-12, from 4pm-7pm on Monday October 28th and Wednesday, October 30th. Notices for pre-scheduled conferences will start going out this week. All elementary parents will receive a notification for their student's scheduled time. If you have a junior high or high school student and you DO NOT receive a notice this week, then your student has no conferences scheduled. However, if you would like to schedule a conference, you can do so by phoning or emailing the JH/HS main office at 406-822-3600 or
5 months ago, Kate DiGiando
PT Conf.
Friday October 4th Homecoming Events! Parade (new route)- 4:00pm Football Game and Senior Night- 7:00pm Booster Club Hamburgers- 7:00pm to Halftime EF Tours Full Concessions- 7:00pm to End of Game 9th-12th Grade Dance- After Football Game to 11:30pm Come join the fun!
5 months ago, Kate DiGiando
Fb hoco
Pep Club Krispy Kreme donuts are here for pick up! If you ordered donuts from a pep club member, pick up time is 5:00 tonight at Superior High school .
5 months ago, Kate DiGiando
Krispy Kreme
The regular school board meeting scheduled for October 9th has been changed to Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30 pm in the Superior Elementary Library.
5 months ago, Logan Labbe
The Advanced Small Engine students disassembling and salvaging old equipment for any useable parts to help reduce classroom cost. We save everything we can to include nuts, bolts, cables, mufflers, fuel tanks, wheels, steering assemblies, and cylinder heads.
5 months ago, Matt Doughty
Superior High School Small Engine
It's Homecoming week at Superior High School! NEW PARADE ROUTE THIS YEAR! The parade route will start at the High School. Floats will go down Arizona Ave to 4th Ave and turn left onto 4th Ave., then up 4th Ave and turn right onto River Street. Floats will go down River Street (keeping to the right - we have to have one lane of traffic open) to Riverside Street. Floats will turn right onto Riverside street, right onto Cedar Street, continue up Cedar Street to 4th Ave and turn left onto 4th Ave toward the Hospital. Floats will loop around the Hospital and then return to the high school.
5 months ago, Kate DiGiando
2024 HOCO parade route
Come out and support the Lady Cats tomorrow night! Homecoming 2024!
5 months ago, Logan Labbe
Storms a-brewin
Upcoming Home HS Sports!
5 months ago, Jessica Nagy